Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Consumptuous - Sugar Coat It

Consumptuous sugar coating
These are all done with icing sugar. Consumptuous aka Shelley Miller goes around sugar coating walls and setting up still life sets. I am just gob smacked by the detail and the pure innovation. Go and see some more here
Consumptuous sugar coating
Consumptuous sugar coating
Consumptuous sugar coating
Consumptuous sugar coating


Anonymous said...

Wow, have to say that I'm always in awe of that car ad where they make the car from cake and icing as well.

Ilva said...

Di, One of the main reasons why I like your blog is that it constantly reminds me of how rich this world is because of all creative people in it, I relish in seeing all the wonderful things you show of your own designs and the things you manage to find and generously share with us! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Delicious handbag Di!

Anonymous said...

Stunning work, definitely too good to eat.