Thursday, October 04, 2007

Leroy Merlin - The Magical DIY Store

leroy merlin france
When you are in my line of business the paint section in a DIY shop can be a real turn on. The other day Charlotte took me to Leroy Merlin a vast DIY store in the Paris suburbs. Well I thought I had died and gone to heaven. 12 aisles of paints, 2 aisles of brushes and rollers and I found paints that I didn't even know existed. In the UK we can buy gloss and eggshell for woodwork but Leroy Merlin sells matt paint for woodwork and it is like applying double cream. I stocked up - needless to say.
Now don't think that Leroy Merlin was only selling boring stuff you could buy anything for the home including the most amazing curtains and cushions, fabulous decals and I have never seen so many toilets. I could go on forever but I guess you get the gist of it by now - it truly is a magical place.
Oh and the brushes - I have no idea what the bristles are made from but they are a delight to use.
leroy merlin france

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