I was at a friend's house last week - Helen from The Stencil Library - we were having tea in her fabulous garden and when we walked back into the house I saw this on the path. I went to kick it and Harvey stopped me just in time by telling me it was a mushroom. Wow, I thought it was a football the dog had chewed. Helen has been letting it grow for ages and some slugs have been feasting on it. Believe me it is massive.
Interesting. Would have loved to see a scale comparison.
It's a puffball....they do grow very large, indeed, comparable to a football and very tasty they are too...simply slice up and gently fry till golden. They are well documented and easy to find in mushroom books.
Hi Di I think I met your friend Helen at the House & Garden Far...lovely lady
I would have definitely kicked it!
I'll kick just about anything..especially my sister
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