Saturday, July 21, 2007

Flocked Wallpaper

flocked wallpaper
I have always LOVED flocked wallpaper. Back in the 1970's I decorated a huge Edwardian bathroom in a gold and deep red flocked wallpaper. Everyone told me I was mad as it wouldn't withstand steam. Well they were wrong, it was always so sumptuous and rich - I loved it. This beautiful collection and more is available here.
flocked wallpaper
flocked wallpaper
flocked wallpaper


Anonymous said...

The designs of these wallpapers and the rich black and reds colors call my name.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Very luxurious, it's like laying carpets on wall, stunning!

Unknown said...

You have some great taste.

Check out some other great resources

at for the Wholesale Trade and for retail customers.

We have tons of flock including those at the site above

Steven Abrams

Karen Israel, LPC said...

Hello. I wonder if you've seen the movie "Boy Meets Girl" with Sean Astin in which a beautiful red flocked velvet wallpaper is used. I'm trying to track this particular item down for my own use. Any idea where I might find it??
