Friday, February 02, 2007

You Don't Have to Steal From Hotels Anymore

paris hotel boutiqueWhen I was in advertising we used to handle a large hotel chain in the UK and I can tell you they lost fortunes through people stealing stuff. OK so it went on the price of a room but that's not fair on the other guests is it?
Now you can buy vintage stuff from famous hotels around the world.
Paris Hotel Boutique buys up this discarded stuff and sells it to people like us. Isn't that very nice? As are the pieces they sell.
I would kill for that chair!


Gypsy Purple said...

So will I ...I gulped when I saw that...let`s go and get it!!


Anna Spiro said...

I love their site - they have some fabulous things!!

Anonymous said...

Feels like France on your blog Di!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Di, it's Lynn from Paris Hotel Boutique. Thanks so much for your mention of my site. I'm flattered! The pictures look great. Where did you find me? Many thanks your blog! Lynn

Parisbreakfasts said...

Wonderful things Di and what a charming website!

Di Overton said...

Thanks for the compliment. Do you know I cannot remember for the life of me where I found your site. I love all things Parisian as my youngest daughter lives there so I Google it often and pick up all sorts of things. I love what you are doing and from the comments I got so did a lot of other people.