Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Leave Me Alone

This is one of those gadgets that has made the world a worse place, in my eyes anyway. Time was when you were driving on business or pleasure when you just couldn't be contacted and driving could actually be a pleasure. Now the mobile phone rings and you are distracted big time.

This little gadget enables you to read emails (safely) whilst driving. Oh please! These sort of gadgets are supposed to make things quicker and easier but all they do is make sure someone can get a hold of you 24/7.

In the UK if you were needed in an emergency Radio 4 would put an alert out on the airwaves, would that not do.

I worked in a high tech industry and found myself becoming more and more disillusioned with it because of intrusive products such as this. Ahh that's better now it's off my chest.

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