Friday, January 08, 2010


This coat found on Etsy by Reddoll. The waistline to go with it would be good also.


Laura said...

I am totally swooning over this (and completely agree about the waistline)

Kaerie Faerie said...

love this, I could make that coat, easy, thanks for posting
Kaerie Faerie

Unknown said...

This coat is amazing!!!

Concrete Jungle said...

Total agreement, luckily it's too warm here!

Splendid Willow said...

So pretty & chic! I will pay that Etsy store a visit - presto.

Still dealing w. snow? Loved your pics BTW - but I know how reality cen be (I am from Sweden after all).

Happy week girlie! OX Mon

Anzu said...

Love this coat. Totally my kind of thing - hope they have one left!