Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Shirt Off Your Man's Back

Just how clever is this? A man's shirt wrapped and tied in a simple but most effective way. I am off to raid my partner's wardrobe. Found at Pinterest


designchic said...

How cute and it!!

Mélanie A. said...

so clever and it looks fabulous

Unknown said...

How did you do this? The larger neck I can find is 19" and still way short of fitting around. This is amazing and I would love to make it! Thanks for your help!

Unknown said...

This is fantastic and I really want to make one! How did you get the shirt to fit around? The largest neck I found is 19". Thanks for your idea and help!

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the other there soemthing done to the back of the neck to make it wide enough?