a sofa like this one,

a unit that separated my dining room and living room like this one,
a chair like this one,

I even had a Trim Phone just like this one,

I spent my maternity grant from my 2nd child on a colour TV with a white cabinet just like this one,

God forbid I even owned one of these,

my wallpaper was big, bright and bold just like this,

you hadn't arrived unless you owned a Denby Arabesque dinner service, I owned one,

I threw away a fridge just like this, it was rubbish by the way, it kept everything warm,

I owned lots of bowls by Grete Prytz Kittelsen,

I was bought a Le Creuset casserole dish as a wedding present in 1968 (child bride), I still use it regularly (some things never go out of fashion),

I had one of the first Lava Lamps by Edward Craven Walker and was ecstatic when I become the proud owner of

one of the first Fibre Optic Lamps.
So the reason I don't get excited about Retro Design is that I Have Been There and Done That.
i still wish fridges were better looking these days, but oooh, those mugs. i don't miss those one bit.
Hear Hear.
All this 'mid-century' stuff popping up fills me with utter drear. I keep wondering whether I've now become a dinosaur in the aesthetics department or whether this latest craze, like all others, will pass.
Where's the Tshirt Di?
Love your post. I'm so glad I am not alone in my feelings about what we call mid-century modern here in the USA. I've also "been there" and have the Naugahyde burns to prove it.
so funny , my mother in law still has the shelving system with hanging cupboard.. and the mug and the lamp and yes i don't get exited by it at all one bit ( want to paint them with a ghost twist effect!) but i have still got my mum lecreuset pan too as i enheritate from my mum as the pan is too heavy for her to lift and now it's super trendy! Go and figure!
Hilarious, remember all of it and owned some of it. Think I still have the God forbid lamp.
Hi Di
I saw a sofa like that last week and I fell in love with it. Do you have an idea of the designer or where could it buy one.
Thanks a lot
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