Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Drum Roll..............Announcement

a french grandchild
We discovered 2 days ago that we are to be the grand parents of a little French girl. Our daughter Charlotte and her partner Badara, who live in France, are to have a baby in February 2011. She will be coffee coloured and already has lots of cousins waiting for her arrival.
What's French for Nanny, which all my grand kids call me? The only translation I can find is Grand-Mère which makes me sound ancient.


Sara Phillips said...

I am sure I read once it was Nou Nou - like Meg's blanket when she was little. xx

Charlotte said...

Sonny & Marcy are obviously having a "black mood" day! Great pic of Billy, why haven't I seen this one??

Nou Nou is Nanny as in what Julie was to me. Mamie is French for Nanny as in grandma, but i don't like that so she'll call you Nanny Di like all the others!! xxx

au poussin bleu said...

meme or mamie or mamee

Anonymous said...

In french it's mémé. That's what i have learnt and I've heard it many, many times when I lived in France.
Stina in Sweden

Trouvais said...

How about Ma Belle Grandmere? So exciting! I'm afraid I'll be Ma Vieux Grandmere by the time my kids reproduce! Congratulations. XO Trish

RSA Course said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you'll be a fantastic Maman :)

Mélanie A. said...

It is mamie ... You will be the perfect mamie