Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vegetables - All Stiched Up

vegetables By Scholten and Baijings
Don't go thinking these are just vegetables because they are not, they are made from fabric and stitched in an way to make you think they are real. Trompe l'eol takes on a whole new meaning. I mean just take a look at
vegetables By Scholten and Baijings
these cabbage leaves,
vegetables By Scholten and Baijings
the rhubarb,
vegetables By Scholten and Baijings
the lemons and
vegetables By Scholten and Baijings
a red cabbage. How clever is this? By Scholten and Baijings found at Designboom
Shown during Salon del Mobile in Milan at Spazio Rossana Orlandi


Parisbreakfasts said...

Extremely low-cal!!!
but how will I get my daily 5?

H is for Home said...

These are amazing - so life-like! I'd like a bowl of these on my kitchen table! ;o)

FrenchGardenHouse said...

I can't even begin to imagine the work hours that went into those. fabulous!

Meg said...

I really didn't believe you when you said these were not vegetables. many hours did take to make these? Absolutely awesome :)

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

Wow...that must require a lot of work. It's a very realistic representation. Thanks for sharing it.

Marilyn Miller said...

Amazingly beautiful! Works of art. said...

These are so, so amazing! I'm totally blown away. And hungry. I'm blown away and hungry. =)

babelfish said...

OMG, I just took a closer look, they are so intricate and stunning - amazing work.