Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Making a Statement With Colour

Making a Statement With Colour
I love to enter a room and be hit in the face by that one piece of furniture that makes a great big statement. This is invariably done with a big, bold bright colour and additionally in this case a giant plant in the garden.
This house in London SW11 is a prime example of just that.
Found at 1st Option Locations
Making a Statement With Colour
Making a Statement With Colour
Making a Statement With Colour


vicki archer said...

Love the red...every room needs some red, xv.

Mélanie A. said...

Love the red touch in the 1st pic

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

I really like POPS of color...especially with furniture.

Jen Ramos

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

What a beautiful living room. Love this house.