Monday, September 14, 2009

One Very Stylish Egg Cup and Some Advice

egg cups normann copenhagen
I could be known as the number one fan of Normann Copenhagen. When I owned I stocked their products and to this day they can still be found there.
I just love these Egg Cups, a new design from Normann.
egg cups normann copenhagen
Stylish and
egg cups normann copenhagen
sleek just like all their products.
dustpan and broom normann copenhagen
Now for the advice. If you need a new dustpan and broom then buy this one. I bought one about 6 years ago and it's still going strong. None of that chasing bits of dust around because it's gone under the pan. My builders laughed at it but became big fans when they found it would pick up anything and in awkward places. Hey it's lasted through a big building project what more can I say.


Denise Kiggan said...

Just love that dustpan. What a good idea!

Wizz | Logo Designer said...

Eggs - Black and white is always a perfect combination.