Thursday, August 13, 2009

Too Good To Dip In Your Tea

biscuits by Sweet Ambs at Etsy
I just couldn't bring myself to eat them, that's if I was lucky enough to get my hands on them. I wonder if they ship to the UK? Amazing biscuits by Sweet Ambs at Etsy.
biscuits by Sweet Ambs at Etsy
biscuits by Sweet Ambs at Etsy


vicki archer said...

So fab Di...I am sure they taste delish too with that lovely thick icing.....xv

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I would caress these every so gently and just linger over each nibbled bite!

James MacAonghus said...

Very nice. I just ordered some for a couple of people.

I'm back from my week in Northumberland, what a beautiful place! Takes a while to get there from London, but well worth it. The people were very friendly. And so much wildlife, that was my favourite part.

James MacAonghus said...

She does ship to the UK for $35.

Fifi Flowers said...

Those are just too pretty to eat!

mining jobs said...

Incredible! I wouldn’t eat that, I’d be happy just to display it, look at it and appreciate the beautiful cookie design.

Philippine Real Estate said...

I would feel dismay to eat those cookies. Sure they look good enough to eat but they look more beautiful not to eat it. LOL!

Parisbreakfast said...

Truly FAB!
I had to go take a look-but no macarons bien sur...

Noel Solomon said...

Ohhh my gosh Di! Love it!

Amber Spiegel said...

Thank you so much for featuring my cookies! You have a lovely blog.

un mariage au soleil said...

oh my ! they look so exquisite...thank you for the introduction...
i'm desperately looking for such fab cookies here in Spain...with a bit of luck she might ship to Europe

Unknown said...

Beautiful & delish!

Chichi and Luxe said...

oh my goodness these are fantastic!! how creative and inspiring :)

nice blog!

Some Like it said...

Oh, I agree! Too lovely to eat...but I'll bet they taste wonderful :-)

Kev - LG said...

Incredible. But you must dip them in tea - that is a biscuit's destiny. If you don't, you will surely anger the biscuit gods ...

FrenchGardenHouse said...

oh, DI! You have the knack of finding the most to die for things. Like these. Aren't they gorgeous??

rochambeau said...

These are beautiful. Must go check out pronto! Thanks for the link!


babelfish said...

Absoloutely right!