Friday, August 28, 2009

The Last Bank Holiday

My sister (that's her on the right, me on the left) and her husband are coming to stay this weekend and here in the UK it is the last Bank Holiday until Christmas therefore we Brits go a bit crazy.
rain or shine
We don't care if it rains or shines, well we do prefer sunshine but this IS the UK
country show
We are starting the weekend by visiting our local Country Show. If it rains there's a Beer Tent and we all have wellies so no worries there.
Then to friends (Annie and Gavin) for dinner and drinks and on to the pub.
frisbee golf
Sunday all the locals, friends and families are playing Frisbee Golf in the fields
the holly bush inn greenhaugh
behind our local pub and finishing off with a BBQ in the pub's garden.
Lots of drinking
Lots of food
gated road
and lots of gates to open on the road we use to get to the pub.
hung over
On Monday I fully expect to feel hung over.
Hope your weekend is as good as mine is going to be.


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

A weekend worth being hungover for!


Mandi said...

That's a great wine glass!!! You find the best stuff to post on your blog!

Have a great weekend.

Jan said...

Have a good weekend - maybe you won't get a hangover this time :)

Blasé said...

The pic of you and your sis...Classic!

Trouvais said...

Adorable girls (then as now)...and I love the bear. Thanks for sharing what ye folks over yonder do for fun...

Unknown said...

Love this post! Have a great time!


Blue Muse said...

that last photo made me laugh outloud. Have a wonderful, wonderful time with your family!! I love the photo of you and your sister- looking at you there and at the photo on your profile - it's amazing how much you look the same. That smile hasn't changed!
Happy everything,
xo Isa


Love that glass ! Hello - I had to leave a note for your to say how wonderful your blog is and how much I've enjoyed reading your posts. They are creative, interesting and unique - and your photo's are divine too ! Best wishes and thank you for sharing them ...

Splendid Willow said...

Di, hope you survived your fun weekend! Welcome back!

The photo of you and your sister is adorable. Beautiful and happy girls!

Alice Regan said...

Have a fabulous time ...I haven't even had a glass of wine and I feel like you last photo! Too funny!

Margie’s daughter Leiny said...

I hope your weekend was all you hoped and that you are well recovered by now. I enjoy my visits here, there is always plenty of interesting items and I always end up inspired. Margie.

Kev - LG said...

Such a shame it's so long until our next one now!

Parisbreakfast said...

What a pair of cuties you were...and STILL ARE...ahem
Ha! I didn't know you were a younger sister too!?
Obviously not persecuted as some sisters have been...(more ahems..)
I hope the weather was obliging.

babelfish said...

Hope you had a fabulous one, country life sounds wonderful...