Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Given Up

abandoned french farmhouse
Can you believe that this amazing little house in France is Abandonnée which in English means Given Up? Let me loose in this little beauty and I would be one happy person. Found at Linternaute


Enzie Shahmiri said...

Old building such as this one have such character. If one could only lift it up, package it with care and send it overseas..
I would take good care of it! :)

Trouvais said...


Prairie Girl Studio said...

me too, di ... me, too ... a very happy girl indeed to have such an alluring little house ...

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Oh the beautiful things I could do with you....what a perfect creative palette!

ParisBreakfast said...

The French being quite frugel,do not abandon easily.One does not like to think what lurks within...ahem

babelfish said...

Abandoned? let me in!