Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Depot

the depot at 1st option
How about this for a cool place to live. The Depot is in London and available for photo shoots. I love the eclectic mix of old and new though those 2 mannequins are rather spooky but they are armless. Sorry couldn't resist that. Found at 1st Option
the depot at 1st option
the depot at 1st option
the depot at 1st option
the depot at 1st option


Blue Muse said...

oooo I just love spaces like this - I'm with you! The mix of old and new always makes my heart race.
Your blog is fabulous.
xo Isa

Anonymous said...

What a fun place. The textures are just lovely!

sammy and glenn: pachadesign said...

beautiful location ... the website has some great places.

Sarthak said...
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Sarthak said...

just too perfect a locale for a photo shoot ! i wonder how would it feel to live in here . . .i love the picture with the old-textured wall with a sofa in the front and the big focus light next to it. the website too has got wonderful pictures.

studioJudith said...

Oh, I do so love this space:
all that crumbling decay ... . .


Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Funny... thats the kind of space I dream about, stunning post!!

Wally said...

I love that raw style!

Leigha said...

Oh, the raw brick and rough space combined with a hint of elegance is absolute perfection. I could move in tomorrow.