Friday, February 20, 2009

Sweet 16

georgia overton singer
My gorgeous grand daughter Georgia, the singer, is 16 today. Happy Birthday Georgia. As you can see

her little brother Sonny

and little sister Marcie both have plans to follow in her footsteps. Love 'em all!


FrenchGardenHouse said...

sheesh, SO cute! Happy birthday to your beautiful Georgia. And happy gramma to you...they are just darling.

Anonymous said...

I love the rock'n roll pixy fairy and pajama boy.

Ulla said...

ADORABLE! A true singing family!

Parisbreakfasts said...

Looks like you've been moving the furniture again...
Where is stuff and how did you do that?
Those cute button things at top..
Hmmm..always up to tricks!

Parisbreakfasts said...


Anonymous said...

Happy late Birthday to Georgia!
She is a talented young lady that will go FAR in her life!! May this year be the start of her best year yet!!


Anonymous said...

Georgia is beautiful, happy sweet 16!
Loving the pics of her siblings too :)