Friday, February 06, 2009

Just Because I Love Mabel Lucie Atwell

Sometimes I just have to put somethings on this blog because I love them. These cute illustrations take me right back to my childhood when I had masses of books that were illustrated by Mabel Lucie Atwell.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, I am suddenly awash with nostalgia....

Jan said...

Ooh comments still playing up .
What I said was - loved these as a kid- was thinking about this only the other day.
Thanks for posting Di !

Mélanie said...

love these cute illustrations

Anonymous said...

I wish I had not given mine to the jumble sale, aged thirteen. I was told that I'd regret it.

Anonymous said...

These are so cute!

Gill said...

So adorable. I love those chubby littluns.

beauty comma said...

These remind me of a card I got from my sister when she was an au pair in England approximately 30 years ago. Wonder if it's by the same artist? The last one is really fun!

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't? I have several postcards of hers..