In my lifetime I have never known a US Election that was so important to everyone around the world. Here in the UK we watched with bated breath and when I awoke this morning and found out that Barack Obama was the new US President I felt so truly elated.
I am old enough to remember when the blacks of America where far from equal. I remember Martin Luther King being assassinated and more importantly I remember thinking that it would never change but change it has.
Thank You America!
You are right ! THANK YOU USA!
I agree, I do agree!
Congratulations! USA
I have been surprised at how many people all over the world were pulling for Obama. I am older than you, and I remember all of that and more. I am so glad that this happened in my lifetime!!
Good morning Di!
It is a happy day indeed. What a night.......What a inspiring speech........Seeing all people stand together as one!
My heart is full!
Hi -- I lurk here a lot.
I am an American (married to a Brit) living in England. My husband and I stayed up all night last night and watched the results and we are overjoyed to see that Obama won decisively. People are hungry for hope and change. I know that sounds corny but it's true. And I never thought I'd see the day when we would elect an African American as our president -- I couldn't be happier today.
Thanks for your post.
Racism certainly isn't dead here in the USA, but Obama has certainly broken down ONE door that's been closed until now. Regardless of his success at trying to repair W's damage to the country and the world, being the first 'black' President in U.S. history is something that no one can take away from him now.
phil ford
bursting with HOPE...
feeling a renewed faith in America...
there aren't enough words to describe how i feel on this glorious day. HOPE is alive and well in our great country and in the world. What could be better?
i keep saying "President Barack Obama" in my head and it brings me to tears each and every time... even just typing there did too.
like i said, words can't adequately describe what this means for not only our country, but for the world.
There is a renewed energy here in the United States. Hope has won.
Its been a truly amazing adventure! I still am in awe and can't believe the world wide support we have behind this man!!! YES WE CAN!
Oh yes, it was wonderful news.
We messed things up, and now we're going to clean them up. I promise!
I am THRILLED! I live in Ca and we were waiting and waiting for the poles to close here at 8 b/c we knew the second they did he would be the president elect. And how fitting that his speech was in grant park! Home to the beatings and riots at the 68 democratic convention, vietnam war protests and riots in the 60s. However, it is going to take YEARS to clean up our mess!
what an absolute joke.
you trust american politicians, you are seriously naive
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