Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Armistice Day - A Sad But True Story

11am on the 11th day of the 11th month marks the end of World War I. The war to end all wars - not quite.
Here in the UK we should hang our heads in shame for our War Memorials are being robbed of their engraved plaques commemorating those who died in both Worlds Wars. These plaques are being taken for scrap because the value of it has increased dramatically in recent times and some people seem to think that it's OK to steal the only thing left for the families who made the ultimate sacrifice.


Unknown said...

This is just heart breaking. I'm sending a prayer to all those families.

Unknown said...

what a horrible crime. that sculpture is just magnificent. such emotion...

Anonymous said...

There's no excuse for such awful behaviour, thank you for your thoughtfulness in highlighting world events on this blog.

savvycityfarmer said...

I can't even imagine...

missin our chats.

Anonymous said...

It's awful isn't it? Such a lack of respect for people who gave so much for their country - both the brave soldiers and the families that mourned them.. As Mary Jane says, it's heartbreaking.

Lovely statue, I'm not familiar with that one..

Anonymous said...

The same people who start wars desecrate. It's in their blood.

Tinsie said...

It's sad that some people will stop at nothing... That statue is beautiful, where is it?