Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Natasha Kerr and Family

Natasha Kerr
Boys and Their Toys

I would be here all day if I had to tell you everything that Natasha Kerr (textile designer) has achieved in her career but what I can say is that these are some of my favourites.
These designs are centered around old pictures from her family albums. Look at the titles.
We all think we could do this but I would like to bet it is so much harder than it looks. I always think a great designer makes it look easy. ENJOY!
Natasha Kerr
Baby Face
Natasha Kerr
Who Is The Naked Lady?
Natasha Kerr
Blackberry Picking
Natasha Kerr
Walter The Gamekeeper

1 comment:

Sandra Evertson said...

Love this work!
And Thank you for the very special Wonderful weekend getaway! It was Marvelous! And I truly wish I was there!
Sandra Evertson