Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Shooting Today

Today Harvey and I have spent the day at a friend's Bastle (fortified house) to, at last, photograph loads of Ghost Furniture pieces. We left the builders to dig a great big hole at the back of the cottage.
Below is the Bastle with its ancient fireplace. Props were at the ready and we summoned up enough energy to get the furniture up those bloody steps - NOTE the doorway is about 2 feet away from the top step. They trusted no one these Northumbrians.
The good news, no the absolutely amazing news is that the photographs look FABULOUS. Success at last!
gatehouse bastle northumberland
I think we even did as good a job as Toast always do in their catalogues (below). I had to include the little Rabbit with the Eye Mask on - so cute.
toast catalogue


please sir said...

Wow - sounds like you have such a great job!

Denise Kiggan said...

What a great location. Glad it turned out well!