Friday, June 13, 2008

Maryam Has a Website - Peacock Pavilions

Peacock Pavilions marrakesh
We have a saying in England when you do something with speed and it is - Like Shit Off a Shovel. Well that's what I will be like when Maryam's fabulous Peacock Pavilions opens. She has launched her website today and I am as excited as she is. There's a taster of the sort of products she will be selling on the site.
I will be one of the first guests and I just cannot wait. In the meantime I will just keep visiting her site. Go and take a look yourselves - IT'S FABULOUS.
Peacock Pavilions marrakesh
Peacock Pavilions marrakesh


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Thank you so, so much, DI!!!! I just can't wait until we two girls get together and cause trouble!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes!! It is WONDERFUL!

Hope all is well Di!

Unknown said...

Fabulous!! I've always wanted to go to Marrakesh..cant wait to see pictures of the Peacock Pavilions!

Inspired simplicity, creative designs, luxury textiles

Mélanie said...

great to read that !
Can't wait for the shop to be online ! I'm waiting

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous, I have got to hop over there soon. Congrats Maryam, she's a gem!