OK I have some guests coming for dinner and I am way behind so out of the goodness of my heart I am going to leave you to drool over these fabulous Gypsy Caravan Interiors. You may also visit the website of this truly innovative French Company - les Verdines that specialise in all things Gypsy - ENJOY!

Oh Yes!! Aren't they just the best?
Have fun with your guests Di!
I'll email some pix in a few days for you so you can see what's been going on.
Yes, I could see myself going on holiday in one of these - preferably the one with the violet tablecloth (presuming the weather would be as great as in the pictures)
How do you manage to present us with such lovely stuff every day??
I love this " roulotte" in the south of France, near by where I live , in Camargue , they rent this kind of roulotte . I love this kind of ambiance
Congratulations on what you do and achieve, if you need only visit www.artistic.it furniture, antique furniture in various styles restored and ready for your works ...
You are just the best Di, and your taste is exquisite.....love it.
Have a great time in London
Hugs Lynn xx
Wouldn't one of these caravans look great in my orchard??
The two tone shoes in your next post are soooo you.
All very wonderful.
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