Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Go Walkabout With Viktor & Rolf

Viktor & Rolf
Have you visited the new Viktor & Rolf website yet? You have to have a computer with a memory like an elephant to keep the site going but perseverance is a virtue and will be worth it.
Viktor & Rolf
Viktor & Rolf
Viktor & Rolf

1 comment:

Skoop said...

I totally agree with you>>>>
It is worth it.

And the result is absolutely magnificent...

To design their new website, they hired frenchies...
La Chose, an ad company in collaboration with Studio LUMINI, production company.
Studio Lumini developed the 3D, video, sound design and they did an amazing job>

The website has a clip on daily motion http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x50mz4_viktor-rolf-la-maison-de-viktor-rol_creation