Monday, February 11, 2008

Pies, Siblings and a Hairy Biker

the tarset pie challenge and a hairy biker
At the weekend we celebrated the Tarset Pie Challenge in our local village hall. 80 PIES had to be tasted, judged then eaten at a huge pie and pea supper afterwards. Then we were expected to dance. The pies entered were out of this world, I soon realised I had no chance of winning. I made Mutton Pie and cut out a cartoon sheep from pastry which looked great until it was cooked and it then looked like a poodle. Needless to say I didn't win but gave everyone a good laugh.
My sister and brother-in-law came for the weekend and brought those gorgeous roses and one of the judges of the pie challenge turned out to be one of The Hairy Bikers, Simon King from BBC television, he is the hairy one on the right and is from Northumberland.
OK so that's my pie with its ingredients around it to distract you.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful time! Not a time to count calories! I absolutely love pie! Especially peach pie with ice cream-yum!

Deb @ Beholder's Eye said...

I love the way you do your montages. How do you make them? I did one once in PowerPoint and when I transferred it to my blog there were black bits all over the place. Took me about a week to sort it out. I gave up after that one attempt...!

Parisbreakfasts said...

What FUN!
Your poodle reminds me of a certain poodle of Mr. Bush..
But yours is way better looking!