Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Paper Cuts by Kirsten Hassenfeld

Paper Cuts by Kirsten Hassenfeld
I am totally in awe of this artist. These paper sculptures are so beautiful and so intricate. What I especially like about these is the clever way they are lit.
From New York artist Kirsten Hassenfeld
Via Notcot
Paper Cuts by Kirsten Hassenfeld
Paper Cuts by Kirsten Hassenfeld
Paper Cuts by Kirsten Hassenfeld
Paper Cuts by Kirsten Hassenfeld


FrenchGardenHouse said...

Amazed, you and me both! These are so beautiful, hopping over there to see more right now. Thanks so much, Di, you are always able to find more and more fabulous artists!
xo Lidy

trendinsights said...

That's awesome work!

Vanessa "Paper Chick" said...

OMG!!These are....can't even find a word to express how more than amazing these pieces are!!

Mélanie said...

This is stunning . So aerial and poetic ...I love it

Ilva said...

i'm in awe too...