Thursday, February 07, 2008

Ochigo - That Little Bit Different

ochigo pan hooks
I have a new discovery to show you - Ochigo. This online store has some great products that are just a little out of the ordinary. Love those Pan Hooks and I could do with that Made in England Rolling Pin as I am entering the Local Pie Challenge this weekend at the village hall - yes, moi!
The Diner Wall Phone takes me back and isn't it amazing how you can still tell the time without the numbers?
ochigo made in england rolling pin
ochigo diner phone
ochigo numberless clock


Mary-Laure said...

I love that rolling pin. I want that rolling pin.

What pie are you baking for the contest? I wish you the best of lucks.
Do you want my recipe for pie crust? It's SO EASY and the best pie crust I have ever had - and I live in Paris!
Here it goes:
- in a pan, melt 125gr butter + 4 tablespoons water + a few tablespoons sugar.
- one the butter has cooled, add 25o gr flour and stir with a wood spoon until a big ball of dough just forms like magic
- et voila! it's ready to use!

Anonymous said...

Hope your pie challenge went well.