Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Our Christmas Presents and The Best Shop In The World

Rossana Orlandi the best shop in the world
I found an article in Elle Decoration last week about The Best Shop In The World in Milan. So out of curiosity I looked at air fares from Newcastle to Milan and they were 1p each way YES 1p. Mind you by the time you added taxes and baggage costs it was £41 each but hey it's still not bad. So we are off to Bergamo near Milan on 8th January. We decided to stay in Bergamo as it is supposedly amazing. This is Harvey's and my Christmas present to each other.
Now down to business - go and see this site of The Best Shop In The World otherwise known as Rossana Orlandi. I can't wait.
Rossana Orlandi the best shop in the world
Rossana Orlandi the best shop in the world


Jen of MadeByGirl said...

wow, looks so amazing. I still am hoping to plan a trip to that part of the world...hoping next year.

Jen Ramos
'Earth Friendly DESIGNER Cards'

Queenie said...

Lucky you, my son and his girlfriend leave for Venice tomorrow £47.00, awesome...

rochambeau said...

WHAT A GREAT GIFT!! AND nothing like checking out the best shop in the World. Will you share please? That can be out Christmas present.
Hope all is well Di!


rochambeau said...

I meant "OUR" Christmas present!

Your comment about the sweets cracked me up!

Anonymous said...

Bergamo IS lovely. It's quite a ways from Milan though (if I remember rightly after a business trip to Milan was diverted to Bergamo due to fog).

Don't forget to pack a huge fur coat (fake if you must though Italian women have no qualms about these things)and huge sunglasses and you will look like a true Milanese (oh and you'll need a tiny dog to complete the picture).

I hope you're going to 10 Corso Como as well and the food store Peck has to be visited.

Oh I MISS Italy. Have a wonderful time!

Paola xx


hi Di: just a quick stop to wish you Happy Holidays! I'll be back here in 2008! Enjoy your trip to Italy!

Sandra Evertson said...

Gorgeous photos! And Bergamo you will LOVE, there I had the most divine polenta ever!
Seasons Greetings to you and yours!
Sandra Evertson

Babelfish said...

That chandelier and those dresses -wow!
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas present, you're going to have a fabulous time.