Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just a Little Fix If You Don't Mind - Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani autumn winter 2007-8
Just every now and again I have to indulge in posting Giorgio Armani clothes. I love the man. He can take a piece of fabric and turn it into a wearable work of art.
Finished now - indulgence over.
Giorgio Armani autumn winter 2007-8
Giorgio Armani autumn winter 2007-8
Giorgio Armani autumn winter 2007-8


Mélanie said...

As Tara said HE IS THE Master

Queenie said...

Here, here, my son is in Venice at this moment, and I just know which shops he will be in!!!

Anonymous said...

Killin' me, absolutely killin' me! , makes me groan "oh god".