Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ghost Furniture Launches

I have been slightly absent of late due to the fact that we have been taking the bubble wrap off Ghost Furniture and have launched it in a shop in Newcastle.

@fernavenue (top picture) is an old theatre turned into what I can only describe as the 'Liberty' of the North and I have taken some floor space to showcase and sell Ghost Furniture. I don't work there because I would spend all I made, someone else does the selling for me.

The website is ready to go but will have to wait until I return from Paris at the beginning of October. A girl has to shop for more vintage items when she has finished revamping most of the others and I am knackered as we say in the North.

Click on the images for a better view
ghost furniture
ghost furniture


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Bravo! Congratulations! Yahoo!

Anonymous said...

What a FABULOUS SPACE! Your things look splendid!!! Bravo again!!! Hugs too!

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous... and yet so far away! Congratulations on the shop. It looks fantastic!

kstyle said...

Wow, congrats Di. It really looks fabulous and best of luck to you on your new venture. k

Parisbreakfasts said...

And felicitations!

design dna said...

i can't believe i just asked you that question! bonne chance and i look forward to reading about all your great success (again!) good for you!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! Your pieces looks gorgeous and wonderful. all the very best for this venture!

Anonymous said...

Wow Di,
Your Ghost Furniture looks fabulous in this setting! Congratulations! You go Girl! May you see it ALL!
Have fun in Paris. Give Tara a hug.
So much fun that you two have met!

Anonymous said...

I meant may you Sell it all!!

Denise Kiggan said...

Wow! Everything looks gorgeous! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a gorgeous setting! Your pieces look fabulous! Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your launch, the shop space is amazing. Looking forward to perusing the website. Wishing you the very best of luck.
The Caton Darling and Moore crew.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous Di, congrats on all your hard work in getting Ghost furniture into the shops. Also that shop space is to die for!! Wishing you every success!

Annica Lindeberg said...

It looks absolutely wonderful - I wish I could visit! Please pay me a visit and read about the extraordinary designer exhibition Casa Cor that is taking place in Stockholm right now. Please also spread the word about it - I need all the marketing help I can get :-)!
Take care, Annica

Anonymous said...

It looks fabulous Di. I was visiting Gilly at Me, me, me on Friday and would certainly have done a detour to @fern if I had known. I will certainly be there soon, not only to enjoy your work (if there is any left) but to get inspired to finish the renovation of my own shop! You did a great job,congratulations. Helen x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It all looks wonderful. Would love to see some more close-up pictures.

Have some idea how tired you are - launching a website is VERY hard work! Have no idea how you do it and actually make the product at the same time as well.

au poussin bleu said...

Due to stupid broadband, so sorry to have miss your launch of your shop, I wish you belated good luck, and well done for all your effort. You are truly a very talented , a Dame of English design.