Friday, August 17, 2007

So My Sort of Fashion

fashion by Ewaiwalla
Oh this stuff is so me I think it should be illegal for me not to have it. I have a thing about raggy edges and creased up linen. I think due to the fact that I had to dress smart when I had the Ad Agency I have started to rebel. A bit late at my age but hey you only live once.
These gorgeous clothes are from Sweden and I do believe I have featured this company before but it's so good I've named it twice as Frank Sinatra once said. Ewaiwalla
fashion by Ewaiwalla


Anonymous said...

Yes Sweetie, fab stuff and sooo you. In the late 70's I was my town's festival queen. At the procession I wore a cream, calico and lace, tiered skirt identical to the one in the photo. I still think it was a great outfit!

Gina said...

So romantic.

Jordan Cappella said...

I love the photography for the ads

Parisbreakfasts said...

Rags to riches = It's a bRIT thing Dahlink!
As is slumming...

Parisbreakfasts said...

Here's the counterpart of those uncombed gals...
NOT you of course!