Monday, July 09, 2007

Wow, Just Wow

Is this not just the best bit of Photoshop manipulation you have ever seen? A leaf turned into a shoe.
By Michel Tcherevkoff via Notcot


kstyle said...

A definite wow. love love photoshop. could spend all day playing with it and sometimes I do. great posts today. k

Parisbreakfasts said...

How I would have loved to design this...
Now I will have to tell about my shoe designing days..

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

It certainly is Di.

Anonymous said...

This is a stand out photo for sure!

Jordan Cappella said...

really fabulous love it!


Anonymous said...

I need to take a Photoshop class. I'm obviously missing something big here. This is magnificent.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled on this website the other day, just amazing!