Thursday, July 05, 2007

Where's The Cutlery?

re found objects placemats and napkins
I was in my favourite shop the other day - RE in Corbridge, Northumberland. You will all have heard of RE I am sure. They have an online store but the shop itself is wonderful. It's a massive ex workshop full of wonderful vintage and new items from all over the world.
I spotted these Cotton Placemats and Napkins and just had to show you them. The images of the cutlery are so realistic that you could be forgiven for forgetting to put the real cutlery on the table.
RE are going to be available from their website in a couple of months. I will keep you posted.
If however you cannot wait you can email or telephone to order - details on their website.

re found objects placemats and napkins


Gypsy Purple said...

I love this!!!!!!

Jane said...

I find Re very inspirational - the taking something old and making something different but better.

It is also one of my favourite shops!

Anonymous said...

You visited RE and didn't call on me? I did the House & Garden show last weekend, people were asking after you.

Anonymous said...

I would love to visit that store, I think the link should be instead of ? Beautiful napkin!

Pigtown*Design said...

I made some napkins like this for a house warming present. They turned out wonderfully.