Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Under One Roof - Shop No 2 - Agape

agape france
I have always loved Agape but Tara of Paris Parfait has set me off all over again by posting her Agape finds on her lovely blog. I want to be a squatter in their showroom. They would never get me out. Just take a look at what you can get there. Everything so tactile I just want to stand an stroke everything.
Imagine furnishing your whole home with their products - aaahhhh!
As I sitting typing this a programme has just started on BBC2 all about Paris so I'm off now - Bye.
Click on the image for a much larger view.


paris parfait said...

I will take you there in September! xo

Gypsy Purple said...

This is fabulous...I LOVED Tara`s founds too...

Anonymous said...

You girls will have fun I'm sure in September. Watch out world!