Thursday, July 26, 2007

Meet Miss Pickering

miss pickering florist stamford
I met Miss Pickering not long ago. On my way to my sister-in-law's house near Cambridge we stopped at Stamford a wonderful Georgian town. I called in at Miss Pickerings Florist to pick up some flowers for my sister-in-law and bought the most beautiful posy. I came across Miss Pickering's website yesterday and noted that she delivers flowers in vintage jugs with a wonderful hand written card with a list of whatever flowers the arrangement contains.
Isn't this a wonderful idea?
miss pickering florist stamford
miss pickering florist stamford
miss pickering florist stamford


Anonymous said...

OMG that flower shop is so lovely. Can Miss Pickering be her real name? Just too perfect! Love her arrangements-so English country if you ask me, but then I've never been to England!

Anonymous said...

I love the first bouquet in luscious green and white, and that vintage jug, wow!