Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Is There Anything Left in France?

Bobo antiques LA
Whilst browsing around Bobo Antiques I just started to wonder if there is much left in France. What with me and thousands of others trailing the flea markets and brocantes and taking whatever we can out of France it makes you wonder just when it will end and France will be empty. Just a thought
Go and see Bobo Antiques they are based in LA and have the most amazing range of French antiques. I want that Chandelier.
Bobo antiques LA

Bobo antiques LA


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful chandelier, very theatrical :)

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

That is a great question. Sometimes I wonder the same myself not only about the French antiques but about antiques in general. I hope for my own good the the answer is yes

rhgrossi said...

BoBo has some amazing stuff. Another store near Chicago, oldplank.com, is doing their part to find homes for France's heritage.

Mélanie said...

Don't worry we still have a lot of antiques in our french attics . If you look for more come to visit us in Aubagne
http://www. enseignedegersaint.typepad.com
See you soon
By the way I love Bobo antiques

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I adore that wooly bench.