Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Gina Ferrari's Dolls - Wonderful

Gina Ferrari's Dolls
I just love these dolls by a hugely talented lady called Gina Ferrari. They remind me of mad middle aged women, which is what I suppose they are. Not sure which one is me though.
Go to Gina Ferrari's site and see loads of fabulous fabric items she has made. Clever, clever lady.
Gina Ferrari's Dolls
Gina Ferrari's Dolls
Gina Ferrari's Dolls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looove these dolls! I'm most like the third one down-La Marquesa, otherwise known as "The Duchess" loves the high life. Never without her bling or Bollie she prefers the finer things in life. Oh yes, finer things-that's me!