Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sexy at Sixty?

in sein germany
in sein germany
What do you think. Should a woman of around 60 dress like this. My opinion, for what it's worth is - GO FOR IT GIRL.
Gorgeous German fashion for young and old from In Sein
in sein germany
in sein germany


paris parfait said...

Why not??!!

Ilva said...

Did you post this on purpose after my rambling about age? I think people should dress the way they feel best in for the occasion. or the moment. T And I really find it sad that you would have to change style just because you age. Unless age changes you of course!

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY! I for one, hope I can look at least 1/2 that fantastic when I am 60! Here in America, older women don't get as much attention etc as in Europe, and its a darn shame! I feel that we only get better as we age!!!

Anonymous said...

She's absolutely gorgeous! Yes, she should go for it-for sure. I for one truly believe women become more sensuous and sexy the older they get! And, why not celebrate our sensuality! And our sexuality! Love it!

lotusgreen said...

not even sure who should ask that question--people younger than 60 judging older people? people older than 60 juding younger people? 60 year olds? don't you know 60 year olds never agree on anything?

Queenie said...

Yes! Why not??