Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This WAS NOT Trick Photography

one more river animal photography
These photographs are all the more amazing because the animals actually were dressed up and were posing themselves. This photographer would spend days just doing one shot and considering this was in a time when the subject had to sit still for quite a while whilst the picture was taken and remember there was no Blue Tack in those days, to stick them to the walls and seats. Go and see some more.
one more river animal photography


Queenie said...

Mmmm, reminds me of the stuffed ones at York Museum>>

Anonymous said...

These are kind of creepy, yet I can't stop looking at them.

Janets Planet said...

I am wondering if the background didnt have holes for the heads to poke through and the rest of the body was fake.

They do invite one to stare a long time.