Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Things We Take For Granted

water carrier
It's hard to comprehend what it must be like to have to go and carry water to your house every day. I am always humbled when I see this sort of thing and thanks to designers P.J. and P.S. Hendrikse this task can be made a lot easier due to their clever invention. This cylindrical container that rolls along the ground will hold as much as 75 liters of water.


paris parfait said...

Thanks for sharing this. It is heartbreaking what people in many parts of Africa have to go through just to get drinking water. We are so incredibly lucky to be born in the West.

Gypsy Purple said...

So glad you feature this...we use it in South Africa and the NGO I am involved with works in the field of water & heart wants to break many a day....

Anonymous said...

I wish this could be supplied more around the needed countries.