Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Photography or Art?

michael gilberg
These may look like beautiful paintings but they are actually photographs by Michael Gilberg who's middle name appears to be majorchord (I'm puzzled).
How does he make a photograph look like this? I hope it's not Photoshop because I want to believe he does this himself. Anyway they are stunning and there's even more here.

michael gilberg


Anonymous said...

Years ago I was in love with the work of Sheila Metzner, this work reminds me of hers... Lovely and etherial!

Deb @ Beholder's Eye said...

Wow. This guy's website is really amazing. Love the snow shots. Thanks Di

Queenie said...

You have introduced to such diverse artist, thank you so much. you must have saved me hours of research.

Delaney Gates said...

Oooh, love those. Thanks for the link. Most assuredly art. Amazing.

paris parfait said...

They are indeed stunning. Hey, Di any chance you'll be in Paris within the next week for the brocante at Bastille? It starts Friday and continues through the 13th.

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful. The landscapes are incredible too!

Gypsy Purple said...

Oh wow...this is stunning and I love it!!!!!....must be filters and thingies, but the effect is gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Great find, these are amazing! I love how Photographs can be made to look like paintings and vice-versa.

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I am esp. loving the first image. Gorgeous!