Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I Will Live Here When I Grow Up

stately home northumberland
See this house? This is not far from my cottage and it is the most beautiful Stately Home. It needs a ton of work doing to it as do most English stately homes.
On Friday this week I will be allowed to enter it for the first time. As I am now a resident of the area I am invited to attend a wine tasting at the house. It like getting into Buckingham Palace being allowed into this place.
I will report back after my visit. Should be interesting.
By the way through that gateway is a gorgeous clock tower which cannot be seen at the moment for the trees but it was made by the same person that made Big Ben in London.
stately home northumberland


kstyle said...

Wow, how fun will that be. hope you can take pics. Absolutely nothing like it in Ashland, Oregon. k

Parisbreakfasts said...

Do drop in any time Di!!
Simply gorge

Anonymous said...

What an amazing looking place, can't wait to hear more. Have fun on Friday!

Gypsy Purple said...


Deb @ Beholder's Eye said...

How completely gorgeous! Really looking forward to the report back. I can't get enough of these avenues of trees, planted so long ago by someone who might never have seen how stunning they look at maturity. Proper unselfish gardening. Love it.

Queenie said...

I am on catch up, is this the place you got the hangover???
Trust you if it is to do it in style.