People keep asking me how I get my ideas. Well see the picture there, that's a true representation of my mind. I think in colours then those colours slot together - a bit like Tetrus. Whenever I think about a person or place I see a colour that I associate with them or it.
I have always used this sort of inspiration for my designs from being a knitwear designer, a set designer, a graphic designer and now a furniture designer.
Things just click together sometimes they look great and other times the design falls apart and I have to think again. As for the designs I have come up with for Ghost - to me they are normal. If I see a tilting table I figure it should have something stuck to it to make it fun and so on.
So there's my mind in an image. Don't ask what's in the sack it could be all the stuff that didn't work.
I LOVE that idea!
I should put my color combos on the wall like that...
I love taking a sneak peek into how your mind work :) It's very organised! I wish my colours would fit together like Tetris -I'm more of a pointillism kind of girl, put bits together until it looks right.
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