Friday, May 18, 2007

7 Things About Me

joanna lumley as patsy
I was tagged by Crust Station last week to tell you all 7 things about me that you may not know. Take the weekend to look over these things and see if you still want to come back on Monday.

1. I do look like Joanna Lumley, even I can see it or does she look like me? I am always being mistaken for her. I once pretended to be her for 2 hours in a bar in New York for a bet. The barmaid (out of work actress) was an avid fan of hers and was totally blown away. I still feel bad about that so if your reading this young lady - I am sorry.

2. I was expelled from school when I was 15 for bad behaviour. Not proud but it gave me the kick up the butt I needed. That was back in 1966, 900 years after The Battle of Hastings. See I learned something.

3. In 2004 I was voted one of the Top 100 Internet Entrapeneurs of The Decade. It was organised by the Department of Trade & Industry. It was for my work on I was totally shocked and when I met the other 99 such as Natalie Massinet of Net-a-Porter and Brent Hoberman who founded they were just as shocked that they had been awarded the same. I am proud but still shocked.

4.I had my first child when I was 17 and my 3rd and last child when I was 34. That makes the age gap between me and my 1st child the same as the age gap between my first child and his sister. Get it?

5. I live in a tiny cottage in the National Park of Northumberland which is called The Cottage. When I say tiny I mean tiny and it's over 300 years old. The walls are 3 feet thick so it wouldn't be so tiny if it wasn't for them.

When we decided to change our lifestyle we came to live in what was our weekend retreat and sold our huge city house and put most of our belongings into store. The cottage will be extended as soon as the National Parks get their fingers out and pass the planning application.

6. I HATE Government Agencies. They waste the tax payers money and are manned by lazy idiots. I have been waiting since 2nd February just to find out if I can build up to a wall in my garden.

Once I was foolish enough to be persuaded to apply for a grant when we had the advertising agency. We spent £36,000 with a promise of 45% of that in grant funding and ended up with £1,800 because someone at the Government Agency lost the paperwork before the year end and they had no budget left. See, can you blame me?

7. Yes I am one of those hated people, as bad as any murderer and shunned by people who have no sympathy with me. I am a Smoker. I only do it in the privacy of my own doorstep as I don't even smoke in the house but people from all walks of life want me to be stopped from harming myself and maybe a little bird that may be sitting on the roof above me.

I do smoke those More cigarettes which are long, thin and brown so people think they are cigars. I am 55 years of age and never buy a Big Mac, have never invaded Iraq, never taken cash for questions in Parliament nor do I carry a firearm but I am to hang my head in shame for my habit.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I hear ya on the smoking thing!
I am sure we are one of the most hated group of people, EVER.

Therefore, the anonymous comment........!

Unknown said...

Di...'respect' and I bow. I think you are one of a kind and I love reading your blog, it's hilarious, quirky and unique! Have a lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

Well Hello There Beautiful! What a story! What an adventure, what honesty!

Congratulations on your award.

kstyle said...

Love your "reveaal". And like you I had my first child at 24 and my last Hopefully at 40 who is now a teenager who just got his first girfriend and is learning to drive. So god help me here I go again for the "bumpy" ride. Oh and btw I was completely "godsmacked" when I found out I was pregnant with above mentioned child at 40. Did I say that right?? Have been dying to use that word. k

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your honesty Di, I am still inspired by everything you went through and the achievements. Congrats on being you :) I agree that government organisations take forever to do anything and, know first hand the time it takes for planning applications to be appoved (such bureaucracy).

au poussin bleu said...

You are so talented ,and i do agree with everything you said!

Anonymous said...

Totally with you on the smoking thing and you don't look anything like your age !
Jan - UK

Gypsy Purple said...

Di, this is so precious......and exactly why I like and appreciate you so much!!!

Ilva said...

Smoke on Di! Nowadays I only smoke occasionally (unfortunately) but I still think smokers are nicer, funnier and more social than non-smokers! Be proud! There are so many worse things one can do and make in this world!

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

Di, very cool i loved reading it!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

I have totally enjoyed this blog!! Gorgeous girl that you are, you DO look like you-know-who, or is it that SHE looks like YOU~

I adore your honesty and killer sense of humor! Will be back. Killing myself trying to figure out what that stainless thing is on the other post! not being very successful, either!!


Anonymous said...

Di, this is why we LOVE you so much! Your frankness, your honesty, and your wonderful sense of humor! Oh yes, and impeccable taste!!! Go girl!!!

Queenie said...

Monday and I'm still here, loving you even more. Still a bit nosey as to why you were expelled from school?????

Anonymous said...

Di-These's no doubt about it, smokers are nicer, more fun people. I smoked for a long time and quit -and after many years of not smoking I still miss it-like crazy!
Here in California the none-smoking lobby is out of control. I think they'll be building smoking bunkers next! And the secondhand smoke business is such crap! Everyone I know grew up with secondhand smoke and it didn't affect any of us.
I'm so sick of these holier-than-thou groups. They need to unpucker their you-know-whats!
Love your seven things-

Gill said...

Wow you are one crazy funny lady. I just loved reading this.
I love Ab Fab too and am a huge fan of Dawn French, and Jennifer Saunders too...but Joanna was always my favourite.
That poor barmaid, alas you probably made her entire LIFE!