Friday, April 27, 2007

Guess What This IS

guess what this is
Due to the fact that I have just got home from my break and I couldn't get access to the internet in the middle of the forest I haven't had time to put together a Will You Choose The Most Expensive post, so I have set you a little task for the weekend to find out what this is.
I really don't think any of you are going to get this right but it could be fun trying. I will tell you on Monday exactly what it is.


Anonymous said...

toilet flusher

Linda Merrill said...

The tool used to lace up old fashioned boots?

Anonymous said...

A crochet hook?

Ilva said...

A beautiful crochet needle or whatever it can be called?

Delaney Gates said...

A designer crochet-type hook?

Anonymous said...

I know what this is - a Spaghetti tester. Now what do I win? *gg*

Anonymous said...

I know what this is: A spaghetti tester. Now what do I win?? *gg*

Anonymous said...

A door handle with a heart string to open up a lovers heart.....

kenju said...

A dental floss holder?

Peajay said...

Is it a specialist fork for size zero models who want to eat spaghetti one strand at a time so they feel full up quicker.

Anonymous said...

a door lever, or perhaps a device to help you serve a single strand of spaghetti at a time?

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

an odd door handle? chop stick? lol

Anonymous said...

I am agreeing with crochet hook !


Enjoy visiting your lovely tasteful blog daily

Anonymous said...

it's a spaghetti tester.

Anonymous said...

Someone beat me to it..a spaghetti tester

Anonymous said...

Same as erin...

Julie at Belle Vivir said...

I think it's a door handle. This is so much fun...

Anonymous said...

A conona spaghetti tester

jeda21 said...

a cabinet handle

Isabelle Wright said...

It is clearly a crochet hook. Although a very demented one.

The Urban Chic said...

I found my way here via smoochie's blog and it's an orange peeler. I have about 4 of them.

Amiene Rev said...

it look like a mentadak mentadu....

savvycityfarmer said...

I guess now we know...the orange thingy