Monday, April 30, 2007

Guess What This Is - The Answer

It's a spaghetti tester so well done - Sigrid, Gail and Corey who even knew the brand name. The Urban Chic has four of them but unfortunately has been using them as orange peelers.


Julie at Belle Vivir said...

I would have never guessed it. People are so smart they are even making Spaghetti tester so chic and modern you would never know what it is until someone tells you.

P.S. Tha picture of the baby...Who had done something like that to that cute little one...?

Anonymous said...

How interesting! (trust Corey to know...:))

david santos said...

Thanks for you work, is very good, have a good week

Anonymous said...

The best and only way to test spaghetti is to throw a strand against the kitchen wall. If it sticks, it's cooked.

Who's been photographing my daughter?