Monday, April 30, 2007

Gorgeous Fashion Illustrations

Rene Gruau
I always refer to fashion illustrations such as these as - flick of the wrist art - not because I am mad but because when you watch someone draw like this they flick their wrist and make it all look so effortless.
I found these at The Fashion Illustration Gallery, well worth a look.
Bottom two illustrations by Gladys Perint Palmer
Top two by Rene Gruau
Rene Gruau
Gladys Perint Palmer
Gladys Perint Palmer


Jen of MadeByGirl said...

very, very pretty!
Love the 2nd one from top.

Anna Spiro said...

Love the top one!!

Gypsy Purple said...

They are lovely...thanks for the link

mimi said...

i live by this link! Downton is my favorite illustrator and this is how i found him.
but honestly. all the illustrators on that site are amazing.