Friday, March 09, 2007

Stumbling Upon Visions

When I am looking for inspiration I do a bit of Stumbling. Have you ever used Stumble Upon? It is either rubbish or brilliant depending on what comes up but persevere and you will be rewarded.

I stumbled upon this painting and would love to spend just an hour inside the head of the artist that created it. Isn't it stunning?
Found at Visions Fine Art


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

LOVE that little clutch!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for introducing Stumble Upon-I love it! I've only used it a few minutes and I've already found a few awesome sites!

Also, I do adore the clutch-so rich!

Unknown said...

I love this clutch bag - red, gold and romance - lovely.

Gypsy Purple said...


Anonymous said...

I love this. Had to look twice. Especially the color.

~Plain Jane~ said...

Vladimir Kush is one of my husbands favorite artists!

We actually bought one of his giclees last year.

Unknown said...

When I was little I saw that very same purse. It was in a thrift store and ever since then I've wanted it. Anyone know the artist?

Unknown said...

Nevermind. sorry.